Vancouver Water Damage Restoration Company Malkin Cleaners Highlights 3 Mistakes Companies Make When Responding to a Water Damage Issue

Water damage within their property can significantly impact a company’s ability to do business. It can stall business processes and prevent organizations from moving forward over the long-term. It’s therefore important that companies respond to water damage issues effectively when they occur within their facilities. Within this latest article, the team at Vancouver water damage restoration company, Malkin Cleaners explains three common mistakes business owners make in dealing with water damage.
3 Mistakes Companies Make When Responding to a Water Damage Issue
They Wait Too Long
At the beginning stages of water intrusion, the problem can be dealt with effectively and simply using professional equipment. The problem might relate to a leaking toilet or a hole within a property roof. If these problems are noticed and resolved quickly, they don’t impact the business and they prevent safety issues from occurring. Company leaders can often wait too long to respond, however, choosing to focus on other operational issues. This can leave the entire property structure vulnerable and can lead to employees suffering significant health issues.
Not Contacting a Specialist
While business leaders may be able to save some money initially be trying to counteract a water intrusion issue without specialist help, they may also find that they face significant challenges long after the repair process has been completed. Taking on the repair process alone, some companies will try to use short-term measures to deal with the water intrusion issue. They may patch a leak within a roof or pipe without fixing the underlying issues. Not only can this exacerbate the original problem, but it can also make any future repair work even more complicated, as a Vancouver professional water damage restoration company must undo the original repair and then begin their work.
Not Preparing for the Restoration Work
Water damage restoration work can often take many days to complete. Restoration specialists must remove furniture and other elements from the property, check for mold, identify possible sources of moisture intrusion and then dry the area completely. Once this drying has been completed, they must then move the furniture back to its original position. This means that companies must prepare carefully for this process. They must go into the process with a comprehensive understanding on the days ahead. It’s important business leaders speak with the Vancouver water damage restoration company they select before they move forward in this process. The company will be able to provide full details and help their client schedule all restoration processes to ensure optimal preparation.
Cleaning water damage within a business property can be a challenging process. Review the mistakes highlighted in this article, and then contact the team at Malkin Cleaners directly at (604) 970-9052 or visit to learn more on how to resolve water damage issues.